Well, a lot has happened in the last month. We flew to New York to look for a home, spent that weekend visiting family in Vegas...Lake Powell the following week--blessed Halle on June 7th and drove out here the next day... After 5 days of traveling in the car with my 2 babies, I can honestly say I am HAPPY to be here in New York. Noah loves his new home, he is into every closet and cupboard, and busy pushing toys around the house. Halle is an angel (as usual). She sleeps ALL day and night. I'm waiting for the day when that is going to change, I'm not sure it will. Kirk has been going to orientations in uptown Manhattan at the Metropolitan Hospital. He finds it interesting taking the train to Harlem and the Subway to the Hospital. He really likes the people that he works with. As for me...I'm still adjusting to being a mother of two, and now in a strange new area. I love where we are living. Everyone has been extremely nice and welcoming to us, both at church and in our neighborhood. Here are some pictures of the latest!
Halle is getting so big! I love her smile.
Halle was such a good traveler. She is so easy going and content! (Most of the time)
Noah loves to give Halle kisses. Whenever Halle cries, he puts her binky in her mouth--what a great big brother!
Halle and me, in the airplane.
The back of the UHAUL, before we left Salem.
Thanks to grandma J'net, we can keep track of Noah.
Our entryway...I'll take more pics of the house once it's decorated!
We are renting the first floor! (For an arm and a leg)....I can't believe how expensive EVERYTHING is in NY. Our hotel room was huge the first night on the road! These two cribs were set up in the middle of the room. It was cute...I had to take a picture. We of course didn't let Noah sleep this close to Halle. He can't be trusted.
Halle with her cousin Kamryn. BEST FRIENDS!
Noah playing with his cousin Madilyn!
I loved our trip to Lake Powell. It's a lot more work with 2 kids, but who can complain about Sunshine, water-skiing and being with family! We had a great time, and can't wait to vacation a couple times a year.
Everytime we got in the boat Noah assumed his position (co-captain) with Papa!