This is the corner of main street in Tarrytown. Our favorite little Greek restaurant is off to our right.
I am seriously in love with New York... I think its great...I could walk around forever out here if Halle and Noah would cooperate. It is so beautiful! Kirk's friend Callis is visiting from Kentucky for the next week. It's the perfect time for a visitor, now Kirk will survive with out us!These pillars had lights in them covered by stained glass windows...they were really cool.
This bridge leads to an incredible house in the trees. I love the architecture out here.
Last weekend I drove to Manhattan all by myself, I was so proud. We had a blast walking around with Noah and Halle. It was all good at Central Park until Kirk let Noah run through the water fountain with his clothes on. I was so ticked. WHAT WAS HE THINKING?
Noah loved playing in the water but he was mad when he realized wet clothes were extremely was he to know that?....And that is why I was upset with Kirk. You can't see Noah's expression very well, but trust was not HAPPY!
I know everyone says how much they love their kids... I think being away from close friends and family really capitalizes how much we love our kids! It's amazing how much fun you can have hanging out with a 1 1/2 year old and a 3 month old. I am so thankful to be blessed with my beautiful Halle and sweet little Noah! We are loving being here in NY. Tarrytown is a great village with SO much to do. I stay pretty busy (which helps me from getting homesick). This last week I've been painting my dining room table and hutch BLACK. I still have to finish, but I'm proud to say I jumped right in and have done a lot. Usually when I start little projects, I'm in them for a few months. Kirk loves working at the hospital--and says it's a huge difference from owning your own practice. He's still adjusting to other people IN CHARGE! (Trust me...It's good for him). The babies are doing just fine. Halle is back to sleeping through the night, and Noah is waking up between 7 and 7:30 instead of 5:30. We are extremely happy about this. Today we are going to Manhattan to hang out with daddy while he's on call. We'll post some more pics later! I still need to paint the drawers and 4 more chairs, but you can see what color they used to be!
I gave the boys haircuts and I'm so proud...I found a new job to pursue!
Noah and his girlfriend Campbelle... don't they look cute together.
Dinner with our friends' David and Jessica Owsley.
Hanging out with Jordan and Katie Durfey...both our babies on their leash. We're so sad to say goodbye to our friends. Noah is seriously in LOVE with Jordan and Katie...and Remington too.
One of Kirk's friends from the hospital took our couch apart (to get it in our house)....and then Kirk and I put it back together. Yay...I love these couches!
Noah on his train that he's almost too big for it!
Daddy's first day at the hospital. He has to be on call every 3rd night, so I'm learning how to cope on my own. Halle is getting so big... I love this age. She'll smile & talk to me! I am so lucky and blessed.